The Donation Process

What to Expect

Registration, Screening & Mini-Physical: Begin by signing in and completing a brief health questionnaire. Our LifeStream staff will then conduct a mini-physical, checking your blood pressure, pulse, temperature, and iron levels.

Donation: Proceed to the main purpose of your visit – your life-saving donation! Your blood will be drawn by a skilled professional using new, sterile, and disposable materials.

Re-Energize in the Canteen: Congratulations on making a life-saving difference in the lives of patients in need! Feel proud of your heroic act! Now, head to the canteen to re-energize with delicious snacks and drinks.

Your Blood's Journey

Once Your Donation Is Complete, The Journey Of Your Blood Has Only Just Begun!

To protect the patients that may receive your blood, it will go through a number of tests for several types of infections, potentially harmful antibodies and, of course, to confirm your blood type.

Your blood will then be separated into components if needed, packaged and sent to a local hospital where it may just save someone’s life!
